Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test False Positive

You want to have confidence in your result. What is the chance you’ll get a Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test False Positive? Continue reading to learn more.

Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test false positive

Over-the-counter pregnancy tests have an accuracy rate of over 99 percent on the first day of your missed period. If you test early, you must always test again on the first day of your expected menstrual period to confirm your result.

Why did I get a Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test false positive?

The Walgreens One Step Analog test has a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml hCG. That high sensitivity allows you to test early for pregnancy. In some cases, however, you could get a positive result without being pregnant.

A high hCG level

Some women have a naturally high level of the human chorionic gonadotropin pregnancy hormone.

Medical and pharacological issues

Some potential mothers may have an elevated hCG level because of a medical condition or use of fertility drugs.

Chemical pregnancy

Some people suggest that a so-called “chemical pregnancy” can cause a false positive on your pregnancy test. The term, “chemical pregnancy,” refers to the situation when a fertilized egg cannot implant.

Miscarriage or abortion

If you were recently pregnant, but your situation either accidentally or intentionally changed, your body could still have an elevated hCG level.

Is there something wrong with my Walgreens One Step Analog product?

No. Syntron, the manufacturer of the Walgreens One Step analog test, operates with the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The test works as intended, even if you get a false positive for your early result.

Where can I learn more about the Walgreens One Step Analog test?

In addition to the many resources published by CPG Health, you can learn about the Walgreens One Step Analog product by visiting the FDA. This link will take you to the product documentation used by Syntron to manufacture this product.

Why does FDA K172257 talk about TrueDX? Why doesn’t it refer to Walgreens or Syntron?

Acquisitions, mergers, and contracts change with time. A member of our team has contacted Syntron, the manufacturer of the product that’s marketed by Walgreens. They referred us to FDA K172257.

Is my test defective?

A defective test may give you a false positive. Check the “Control” section of your result window to make sure that you have a valid result.

Did I properly perform my test?

You may have pointed upward the absorbant tip of your test stick. Also, you may have allowed your test to sit too long before reading it. If you’re not sure if you’ve properly performed your pregnancy test, repeat it using a fresh test stick.

You should follow your Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test instructions. We provide these directions for informational purposes only.

I have questions or concerns about my possible pregnancy. What should I do?

CPG Health does not provide medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, pregnancy, or unborn child, immediately contact a doctor or similar qualified health professional.

Learn more at CPG Health

The below links lead to additional resources that we’ve published regarding Walgreens pregnancy tests. Please read these articles.

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Pregnancy Test Index