Walgreens Digital and One Step Pregnancy Tests

Do you want to know for sure? If so, you can get Walgreens Digital and One Step Pregnancy Tests in one convenient package. With it, you can test two different ways right now, or save one to confirm your result later.

Continue reading to learn more.

Walgreens Digital and One Step Pregnancy Tests

Walgreens wants you to consider using this handy two-pack rather than the national brand, Clearblue (Affiliate Link).

In particular, the Walgreens Digital and One Step Pregnancy Tests include one plus/minus test and one digital pregnancy test. This makes the product comparable to the Clearblue Pregnancy Combo Pack.

The Clearblue combo contains one Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test and one

You get two different ways to test for pregnancy, giving you peace of mind and double confirmation.

As with the similar Clearblue product, you can test five days before your missed period. This means that you can use both tests up to 4 days before you expect your period (5 days sooner than your missed period).

Of course, testing early with either the Walgreens or Clearblue products sacrifices accuracy.

Manufacturer of Walgreens Digital and One Step Pregnancy Tests

If you’re shopping Walgreens Pregnancy Tests, you need to know that Walgreens tests come from two different manufacturers.

Inverness Medical distributes the Walgreens Digital & One Step Pregnancy Tests combination pack. Abbott Diagnostics of Shanghai manufactures the devices.

Another manufacturer, Syntron, manufactures and distributes the Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test.

The difference in manufacturers help to explain why accuracy and sensitivity vary among Walgreens-branded pregnancy tests.

FDA and the Walgreens Digital and One Step Pregnancy Tests

Inverness Medical has obtained clearance from the U.S. FDA to distribute both tests included in the Walgreens combination pack.

Use this link to read about the Walgreens One Step +/- test at the FDA..

You can also learn more about the Digital Pregnancy Test that’s included in the combo pack at the FDA.

Specifications of Walgreens Digital and One Step Pregnancy Tests

Let’s review a couple of key pregnancy test specifications: Accuracy and Sensitivity.


Your Walgreens Digital and One Step Pregnancy Tests are over 99 percent accurate from the day of your expected period. Testing early reduces the accuracy of your result.

The two tests differ slightly in terms of early result accuracy.

Walgreens One Step Accuracy

NOTE: The Walgreens One Step Pregnancy Test included in this two-pack is different from the Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test and has different product specifications.

With the Walgreens One Step Pregnancy Test (+/-), testing four days before your missed period (five days early), you’ll have an accuracy of 53%. This compares to the 56% accuracy of the Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test (Affiliate Link) which, at the same point, has a 56% accuracy rate.

If you test three days before your EMP (four days early), with the Walgreens Plus or Minus Test, you’ll have 74% accuracy. On the same day, Clearblue’s Rapid Detection product gives you 88% accuracy.

Testing two days before your period (three days early), the Walgreens +/- test has an accuracy of 84%. On the other hand, the Clearblue Rapid Detection Test gives you 97% accuracy.

One day before your period (two days early), the Walgreens One Step Pregnancy Test (the +/- test that comes inside the combo pack) has an accuracy of 87%. The Clearblue unit, on the same day, boasts 98 percent accuracy.

Walgreens Digital Accuracy

Five days early (four days before your EMP), the accuracy of the Walgreens Digital test is 51% (Clearblue Digital is 75%).

Four days early (three days before your period), you can expect a result that has 82% accuracy with the Walgreens Digital test stick. Clearblue Digital gives you 95% accuracy.

Three days early, which is two days before the expected period, you’ll have a 90% accuracy rate with the Walgreens +/- test stick. At this point, you’ll have 98% accuracy if you use the Clearblue Digital test.

Two days early (one day before your missed period), The Walgreens Digital test will have 95% accuracy. For the Clearblue digital product, you’ll have over 99% accuracy.


Both the Walgreens One Step Pregnancy Test and the Walgreens Digital Pregnancy Test have a sensitivity of 25 mIU/ml urine. That means it can detect pregnancy with greater than 50% accuracy when you have twenty-five milli International Units of the hCG pregnancy hormone in one milliliter of your urine.

Why do I need two tests?

Any time you test early, test again, with a new test unit, on the first day of your expected period. If you buy the Walgreens Pregnancy Test combo, you can use one now and have one on hand to use later.

If you’re anxious to get an accurate result right now, you can use both tests at the same time. Each test displays results differently, so you have a chance to verify your pregnancy right now.

I have questions about pregnancy and my pregnancy test results. What should I do?

Contact a doctor or similar qualified healthcare professionals to get answers to your questions. CPG Health does not provide medical advice.

Where to buy Walgreens Digital & One Step Combo

You can buy the Walgreens Digital & One Step Pregnancy Tests product at most Walgreens stores. You can also buy the test directly from Walgreens.com (We furnish this link as a courtesy. CPG Health gains no financial benefit by your clicking on it.).

Learn more about Walgreens Pregnancy Tests

Use the below links to learn more about Walgreens Pregnancy Tests, right here at CPG Health.