Do you have a big fat positive pregnancy test result? Inspect your test stick. You might have a Rexall Pregnancy Test evap line. This line may appear like a positive result, but it isn’t. It might even look like a positive control line. Keep reading to learn more.
Rexall Pregnancy Test evap line
You can depend on the Rexall One Step Pregnancy Test to tell you if you’re pregnant. This product also allows you to test early, helping to relieve your impatience. However, if you’re not careful, you can get an evap line that tricks you into seeing something that’s not there.
What is a pregnancy test evap line?
An evap line can appear on your results window if urine has gotten onto it and dried. Urine contains several compounds, so when it evaporates, it leaves behind a residue. That evap line might cause you to misinterpret a negative test as a positive result. If the evap line appears in the “Control” section of your test, it might fool you into accepting a Rexall Pregnancy Test invalid result.
How do I avoid an evap line with my Rexall One Step Pregnancy Test?
Carefully follow the directions that come with your test unit. Never point or tilt the absorbent tip upward. If you splash urine onto your test stick, consider repeating the test with a fresh new device.
It’s your job to avoid a Rexall Pregnancy Test evap line.
Are Rexall Pregnancy Tests reliable?
Yes. If you follow the directions that come with the test, the Rexall One Step Pregnancy Test is over 99 percent accurate from the day of your missed period.
Testing early decreases the reliability of your Rexall pregnancy test. For instance, if you test four days before your expected period, the accuracy of your pregnancy test results is only 53%.
When you pay attention to the Rexall pregnancy test instructions, you’ll eliminate many potential errors.
Rexall pregnancy test evaporation line or positive? How can I tell?
When you see a line in the Rexall Pregnancy Test’s round “result” window, you instinctively ask, “Is it a Rexall Pregnancy Test evaporation line or positive?”
Answer a few simple questions:
Before freaking out, you need to look carefully at your result window.
- Do you see one line or two?
- Which direction is the line going? Is it parallel to the long side of your test stick, or is it perpendicular to it?
- Do you, in the oval “control” window, have a line running perpendicular to the long side of your pregnancy test?
Continue reading and we’ll answer each of these questions.
I see two lines crisscrossing each other, but one seems darker than the other one.
If, in the round “result” window, you see a strong line crossed by a strong line, you have a positive result. Here’s what the Rexall Pregnancy Test directions say:
It does not matter if one of the lines that make up the “+” symbol is lighter or darker than the other
– Rexall One Step Pregnancy Test directions insert.
I see only one line, and it runs parralell to the length of my test stick
If, in the round “result” window, you see one faint line running parallel to the line that’s in the oval “control” window of your test. Look again. Most likely, you’ll have a faint line crossing that line in the middle, forming a “+” symbol.
That is a Rexall Pregnancy Test positive result (If you properly followed the directions).
If a faint line running parallel to the length of your test stick in your “result” window doesn’t cross your faint line, you may have a Rexall Pregnancy Test evap line. After all, a single line running parallel to the long side of your test stick is not a valid result.
Similarly, if you see no lines, you have an invalid test result.
I have a line in the “control” window that runs perpendicular to the long side of my test stick. What does that mean?
A line in the oval “control” window that runs perpendicular to the long side of your pregnancy test means that you have a valid result.
You must, however, also have at least one line in the round “result” window. If that line is perpendicular to the line in the “control” window, you have a “-” (minus sign). You have a negative result. Verify your result with the below image.
If you have two lines in your “result” window and they form a plus sign (“+”), you have a positive result.
Determining whether you have a Rexall Pregnancy Test evaporation line or positive
Any line that doesn’t match any possible valid result may be an evap line. Use a cotton swap or a finger to gently rub the result window. An evap line will disappear with a minimal effort.
Also, think about what you see. Ask yourself whether your result makes sense.
If the lines on your Rexall Pregnancy Test do not match any of the illustrations of valid results, you probably have an evap line and/or an invalid result.
A Rexall One Step Pregnancy Test positive has (1) a line in the control section and (2) a plus sign, “+” in the result section. An evap line appearing in the shape of a plus sign is unlikely, if not practically impossible.
Do dollar store pregnancy tests have evap lines?
Technically, you can have an evap line on any pregnancy test. However, evap lines seem more common with tests that have clear plastic covering the test result window.
If you look carefully, the Rexall Pregnancy Test has a layer of clear plastic on top of the result indicator. Therefore, you can expect the possibility of having an evap line.
What should I do if I think I have an evap line on my pregnancy test?
Use a cotton swap or a piece of tissue to clean the plastic that covers the “Result” and “Control” windows. Don’t use soap or solvents. If the line goes away, you had an evap line. A valid positive result will not disappear by cleaning the result window.
Prevention is the best cure. As you perform your test, take care to avoid splashing urine on the test stick.
Discover more about the Rexall Pregnancy Test
CPG Health is the web’s top source for information regarding the Rexall One Step Pregnancy Test.