PARA-AID Pregnancy Test Accuracy

You want to know now, but you also want the right answer. That’s why you want to know PARA-AID Pregnancy Test accuracy before you buy. The PARA-AID Pregnancy Test is distributed by McUre Health Solutions, Inc.

PARA-AID Pregnancy Test Accuracy

What is the PARA-AID Pregnancy Test?

[The PARA-AID Pregnancy Test] Kit (Cassette) is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine samples to aid in the early detection of pregnancy by both professional and home users.

PARA-AID Pregnancy Test Accuracy

PARA-AID Pregnancy Test accuracy is 99-percent from the first day of your expected period. The cut off value of the PARA-AID test is 25 mIU/mL. At this level of HCG, at least 50% of pregnant women will receive a positive result.

Testing Early with PARA-AID

Testing early will result in a lower Paraid Pregnancy Test accuracy rate. In fact, The PARA-AID Pregnancy Test is not an “Early Result” test.

If you test early, always repeat the test using a fresh unit on the first day of your missed period to confirm your result.

The PARA-AID Pregnancy Test is McUre Health’s part number TE-102.

If you compare the PARA-AID Pregnancy Test cassette with the New Choice Pregnancy Test cassette, you’ll likely discover that both tests are the same. The New Choice Pregnancy Test (cassette) is manufactured by Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd.

Learn more about the PARA-AID Pregnancy Test at the AccessGUDID website.

NOTE: Some sources may list the PARA-AID Pregnancy Test as the PARAID Pregnancy Test.

About HCG

“[The PARA-AID Pregnancy Test]measures the presence of the hormone Human ChorionicGonadotrophin (HCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, HCG is produced by the placenta shortly after the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. This test is capable of detecting pregnancy the first day after a missed period.

As pregnancy progresses, higher levels of HOG arepresent in urine at concentrations of 25mlU/ml (Milli-International Units) or greater.

The concentration of HCG in non-pregnant women is normally 5.OmlU/mI. At the time of the last missed menstrual period, urine HCG levels are about lO0mlU/mL with peak levels of 100,000 to 200,000mlU/mL. The HCG assay is a rapid one-step test based on immunochromatographic


The PARA-AID Pregnancy Test is registered with the FDA under the name, “EGENS One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Kit (Cassette).” You can read details of this device’s specifications and testing by reading FDA document number K123050.

NANTONG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Manufactures the PARA-AID Pregnancy Test in China for MCURE Health Solutions, Inc.

Where can I buy PARA-AID Pregnancy Tests?

We bought our sample of the PARA-AID Pregnancy Test at a newarby Dollar General store. The product was in the $1 discount section of the store, not in the Healthy and Beauty aisle.

CPG Health can’t guarantee availability of the PARA-AID Pregnancy Test from any online or offline source.

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