Our popular Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test review will help you decide if it’s the right test for you.
Choosing this test gives you a near-perfect combination of price, quality, accuracy, and sensitivity. Altogether, this means you get exceptional value from the Family Wellness test.
Who makes the Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test?
According to United States Food and Drug Administration records, the Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test is manufactured in China by Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd.
Wondfo USA imports the Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test into the U.S. and distributes it as the Wondfo One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Midstream.
Midwood Brands, LLC, distributes the same pregnancy test device as the Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test.
Only Family Dollar sells the Family Wellness Pregnancy Test.
Describe the Family Wellness test
This is a single-use pregnancy test, sold without a prescription (Over the Counter, OTC).
Documents filed with the U.S. FDA describe the Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test:
The Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine, as an aid in early detection of pregnancy, in some cases as early as five (5) days before the expected period, i.e., as early as six (6) days before the day of the missed period.
Shoppers who have additional questions about the Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test can call 800-639-3803. Please note, this phone number is for product questions only. If you have medical or health-related questions, ask them to your doctor.
How does the Family Wellness Pregnancy Test work?
The Family Wellness test is a home pregnancy test that measures the amount of the pregnancy hormone hCG found in your pee. For the most part, hCG is only present in your body during pregnancy.?
Tell me more about hCG
Your body produces increased amounts of the hCG pregnancy hormone after you have become pregnant. Generally, if you have a 28-day period cycle, you will have a measurable amount of hCG between twelve and fifteen days after you ovulate.
Family Wellness Pregnancy Test Accuracy
The accuracy of the Family Wellness Early Pregnancy Test varies depending on how well you follow the instructions that came with your test. Also, you need to interpret your results properly, based on the instructions.
Testing too early can also affect the accuracy of your results. The test is almost 100 percent accurate from the day of your expected period.
Testing too soon can mean that you haven’t given your body enough time to develop sufficient hCG to trigger a positive result.
Compounding the problem with accuracy is the fact that many women have irregular cycles. As a result, you may miscalculate the day on which your period should start. In fact, 20-percent of expecting women will test negative using an hCG-based test, even on the first day of their expected period.?
You can improve the accuracy of your results by using your first urine of the morning. In most cases, this urine will contain a higher concentration of hCG than urine taken later in the day.
Repeat the test
You should always plan to test more than once for pregnancy.
For this reason, buy a two-pack of the Family Wellness Early Result Test so you are prepared.
If only single-packs are available, buy at least two.
Consult your doctor
Your doctor can answer any questions that you have about pregnancy, including those that specifically pertain to you. For instance, your medical history might shed light on why you might have low hCG levels despite being pregnant. Furthermore, some medical conditions can cause you to get a positive pregnancy test, even when you aren’t pregnant.
Additional tests, including a blood-based pregnancy test performed at your doctor’s office can provide additional information that can result in a higher level of accuracy than you may get from using your Family Wellness test at home.
More about the Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test
The Family Wellness Early Result Pregnancy Test is sold by Family Dollar.
You can read FDA records regarding this pregnancy test at the following URL: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfivd/Detail.cfm?ID=4752.
Editor’s Note
This article was originally published on October 10, 2017. It was revised for accuracy and to accommodate the product’s updated packaging on June 5, 2020.
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