Faint Positive New Choice Pregnancy Test

If you have a faint positive New Choice Pregnancy Test, you should consider it as a positive result. Regardless of whether you use the original New Choice Pregnancy Test or the New Choice Plus One Step Pregnancy Test, a line in the result window indicates that you’re pregnant.

Why faint positive New Choice Pregnancy Test?

Several possible reasons may explain the situation if you see a faint positive result on your New Choice Pregnancy Test.

Borderline HCG level.

Pregnancy tests measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin present in your urine.

If your hCG level is close to 25 mIU/ml, then your pregnancy test may display a faint line in the result window. If you have a faint positive New Choice Pregnancy Test, you should consider repeating your pregnancy test, with a fresh unit, on a later date to confirm your result.

Manufacturing tolerance

Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd. manufactures the New Choice Pregnancy Test for international. During the manufacturing process, some of the test strips used for the test may vary in chemical composition.

As long as the test strips fall within manufacturing tolerance, Guangzhou will use them in their pregnancy test products. You need to know, however, that these variations may cause the intensity of a New Choice positive result to vary from one unit to another.

Improper use of the test

If you improperly use your New Choice Pregnancy Test, you may receive unanticipated results. For example, if you leave your test sitting too long, your result and its intensity may change. Similarly, if you placed too much or too little urine in the test well, you could get unexpected results.

To minimize your chance of a New Choice Pregnancy Test faint positive, read the directions that come with your test before you use your test.

I’m concerned about my New Choice Pregnancy Test result. What should I do?

CPG Health does not provide medical advice.

Immediately direct any pregnancy or health-related questions to your doctor.

Does the FDA approve the New Choice Pregnancy Test?

Yes. You can read the FDA records regarding the New Choice Pregnancy Test to learn more about its sensitivity, accuracy, and design.