Clearblue Pregnancy Test

Where would you be if you didn’t have the Clearblue Pregnancy Test? When you learn from Tamika’s story, you’ll understand why you should trust the Clearblue digital pregnancy test whenever you really need to know. As a junior in college, Tamika met Da’wan, a fellow engineering student. Both of them are living their dreams and building a bright future for themselves.

Clearblue Pregnancy Test

Tamika and Da’wan always practiced safe sex. They trusted each other, but they also wanted to avoid surprises. One day, however, Tamika became concerned. She hadn’t been feeling well. One day, she told her friend Darlene about her symptoms.

“I’ve been feeling nauseous and I’ve also been vomiting. I’ve also lost interest in eating,” Tamika confided.

“Gosh, Tamika, you might be pregnant. Do you have feelings of depression and anxiety?”

“Yes, I do,” Tamika replied. “I didn’t think about morning sickness. Maybe that’s my problem.”

“How do you feel about being pregnant?” Darlene prodded.

“I don’t know. I’ve never had this happen to me before. I think becoming a mother is great, but I don’t want to lose my chance for building a great career.”

“I hear that!”, Darlene responded. “If you want to talk about it, I’m a sympathetic and confidential ear.”

Watch the CPG Health UNBOXED! video featuring the Clearblue Pregnancy Test

Clearblue Pregnancy Test: How CPG Health helped

Tamika is one of the thousands of Americans who trust the product reviews, news and recommendations published by CPG Health.

She visited the CPG Health website and read all about how pregnancy tests work and some of the best home pregnancy tests on the market. She learned that the Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test Sensitivity is close to Clearblue’s, but at a better price.

Tamika wanted to try one of the new digital pregnancy tests, so she emailed CPG Health to ask for their recommendation. As a subscriber, she gets preferential treatment, including on-the-spot product suggestions and access to special resources.

The editors of CPG Health recommended the Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test to Tamika, so she ordered one.

Clearblue Pregnancy Test: Common Questions

Tamika had questions, just like any woman might have when she thinks she might be pregnant. Questions are normal, so no one should be afraid to get the answers needed to make good buying choices. When Tamika read online Clearblue Pregnancy Test Reviews, she had more questions. She asked us to post the answers to her questions online, so everyone can benefit from them.

How soon can you use Clear Blue digital?

You can use your Clearblue Pregnancy Test to test for pregnancy as early as four days before your expected period. You should first read the “fine print,” however, because when you test early, you lose accuracy. For example, if you test 4 days early, the test results are only 65% accurate. The following table helps you understand.

Number of Days before your expected period% of samples from pregnant women giving a ‘Pregnant’ result

How accurate is the Clear Blue Pregnancy Test?

Clear Blue pregnancy test accuracy is nearly 100% from the first day of your expected period. Refer to the above chart to understand how testing early affects the accuracy of your Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Test results.

How do you use Clear Blue Pregnancy Test?

Always follow the instructions that come with your Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test. The information provided here and on the downloaded instruction insert are for reference only: Directions, warnings, specifications and other information can change without notice. Clearblue advanced pregnancy test directions follow:

Using the Clear Blue Pregnancy Test

You should test your first urine of the day to get the best results. When you are ready to test, remove the test stick from the sealed foil wrapper. Remove the blue cap. Use the test as soon as you open it.

Important: Throughout testing, NEVER hold the test stick with the absorbent tip pointing upwards. Doing so can lead to inaccurate results or a testing error. If you get an invalid result, you will have to use a fresh Clear Blue Pregnancy device to repeat the test.

If you want to test in your urine stream, place the tip pointing downwards into your urine for 5 seconds. Don’t get the rest of the stick wet. After exposure, place the cap onto the stick and lay the device flat.

You can also use the pregnancy test Clear Blue to test from a cup. To do this, collect a urine sample into a clean cup. Place the tip pointing downwards in the urine for 20 seconds. Remove the stick from the urine, replace the cap and lay it on a flat surface.

Waiting for Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Test results

You will see the hourglass symbol appear in the digital display. The hourglass means that the test is working. When the hourglass stops flashing, your result will appear in the window. If the hourglass does not go away, the test has experienced an error. You will have to try again with a new Clear Blue test.

Read and follow your Clear Blue Pregnancy Test instructions to avoid making a mistake that invalidates the test.

How do you read Clear Blue pregnancy tests?

Clearblue easy pregnancy test results are displayed in the digital display window. Within 3 minutes of completing the test procedure, you will see the result. The words “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant” will appear at the top of the display.

A Clear Blue Pregnancy Test positive (or “pregnant”) result might appear on the display before the Weeks Estimator result appears. Continue to wait until the hourglass stops flashing to see your Weeks Estimator result. This takes three minutes.

Just as you can get a Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test false positive, you can get a Clearblue false positive. Test several times on different days to make sure you have an accurate result.

Clear Blue Pregnancy Test accuracy

The accuracy of your “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant result is over 99% when testing on the day of your expected period. If you test early, your results will be less accurate. If you test early, repeat the test using a new Clearblue Pregnancy Test to confirm or reject your early result.

If you have a “Pregnant” result, see a doctor to help plan for the next step. If you have a “Not Pregnant” result, you might not be pregnant. Also, you might be pregnant and have an insufficient amount of the hCG pregnancy hormone present in your urine. Another reason for a “Not Pregnant” result is miscalculating the date of your expected period.

After receiving a negative Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test result, you should re-test again on the day of your expected period. If your period is overdue, you should test again in 3 days. If, after that time, you don’t have a Clear Blue Pregnancy test positive result and your period hasn’t started, see your doctor right away.

Learn more about pregnancy test accuracy at the National Library of Medicine.

Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Test results: Weeks Estimator

Your Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test has a special feature that estimates how much time has elapsed since your ovulation. You will only see a Weeks Estimator result if you have a positive (“Pregnant”) result. In the space below the “Pregnant” result, you will see either a 1-2 (for 1 to 2 weeks since ovulation), a 2-3 (for 2 to 3 weeks since ovulation), or a 3+ (for more than 3 weeks since ovulation. Add 2 weeks to your Weeks Estimator results to guess how your doctor might date your pregnancy.

Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Test Instructions: Notes

Your Clearblue Easy Pregnancy Test Weeks Estimator supplies results based on the level of the hCG hormone that’s in your urine. HCG levels vary among women, so you might not have dependable results from the Week Estimator. See your doctor right away to confirm your pregnancy test results, especially when you have to make decisions about your future care. Only your doctor can determine if your pregnancy is healthy.

Even if you have a Clear Blue Pregnancy Test positive result, only your doctor can confirm it. Also, your doctor will determine how many weeks pregnant you are by evaluating the date of your last period and ultrasound results.

Pregnancy dating is specific to you, the patient, so don’t worry if your doctor’s date estimate differs from the Clearblue Weeks Estimator.

The Weeks Estimator in the Clear Blue Pregnancy Test has an accuracy rate of 45 to 99% when compared to clinical results.

Results from your pregnancy test Clear Blue will remain on the digital display for about 24 hours.

Download Clearblue Pregnancy Test Instructions in

Clear Blue Pregnancy Test price

Your Clear Blue Pregnancy Test price may vary depending on where you buy the test. Many times, you can buy the test for less than $10. Tamika chose the Clearblue Pregnancy Test because it is a well-known brand

Clearblue Pregnancy Test: Indications for Use Statement

The Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator is an over-the-counter urine hCG test which is intended for the detection of pregnancy. The test detects hCG in some cases from four days before the expected period (which is 5 days before the day of the missed period).

This test is only intended for individual use at home. It is not intended for use in a healthcare setting.

As is the case with a Walgreens One Step Analog Pregnancy Test faint line, a faint line on a Clearblue test represents a positive test result.

This test contains a “Weeks Estimator.” The “Weeks Estimator” is meant solely as an estimate for the consumer and is not intended as a substitute for a doctor’s clinical diagnosis. The “Weeks Estimator” is not intended for multiple pregnancies. The estimate provided by the device may be inaccurate in these cases.

This test cannot be used to determine the duration of pregnancy or to monitor the progression of pregnancy.

Your doctor determines how many weeks pregnant you are based on the first day of your last menstrual period and ultrasound results. This test provides a different estimate that cannot replace a doctor’s determination of gestational age.

Only your doctor can provide a reliable estimate of gestational age and only your doctor can monitor pregnancy progression. You should seek qualified prenatal care if you suspect you are pregnant.

CPG Health

Pregnancy Test Index