You like a clear “Yes” or “No” answer. Right? So, what does an Assured Pregnancy Test faint positive mean? It’s hard to tell whether it counts as a “Yes.” Still, it doesn’t seem to be a “No.”
When you want to know if you’re pregnant, you just want to know.
Quick Answer: If you’ve properly performed your Assured Pregnancy Test and have a valid result (a control line is present), you can consider a faint line as a positive pregnancy test result.
You’ve probably seen those faint positive pregnancy test pictures online. Aren’t they frustrating? Unfortunately, you always have a risk of a faint line, depending on how much of the hCG pregnancy hormone is in your system.
Assured Pregnancy Test Faint Positive FAQ
Continue reading to review some frequently asked questions about an Assured Pregnancy Test faint positive.
A faint positive line on the Assured Pregnancy Test indicates that you’re pregnant as long as you have a control line and have precisely followed the instructions that came with your test device.
Some positive results with the Assured Pregnancy Test may appear lighter than others because of one or more reasons.
For instance, you might have a borderline hCG concentration in your urine.
Also, variations in test material may cause a positive result to display with different intensity levels.
Some women may see an extremely faint line on pregnancy test when they have naturally low levels of the hCG pregnancy hormone.
If you have any doubts about the accuracy of your pregnancy test results, contact your doctor or other qualified health professionals to discuss your concerns.
Perhaps you should consider buying two different brands of tests to give you a better chance of receiving a valid result. In some cases, an hCG level that causes a faint line on the Assured Pregnancy Test might produce a more definitive result on a test made by a different manufacturer.
If you have any questions about your pregnancy test results, contact a qualified healthcare professional.